How Mice Get Into Honolulu Homes

mouse inside house pantry

The smaller the pest, the easier it can be for them to slip inside of homes and businesses. For mice, the smallest of the invasive rodents, there is no end of ways they can find to gain access to your interior and thrive off the food and shelter that your property provides. Learning how to prevent them and act quickly to solve infestations will help avoid the worst problems that house mice can cause.

House Mice: Common Invaders

Mice are half the size of their cousins, rats, which are also common invaders. Their smaller size means mice can reproduce quickly and fit into tighter spaces. Even if a hole or crack in the wall is too small, they can simply bite and claw their way through to gain access to the voids of your home. They like to nest inside walls, vents, and storage areas like basements and attics. But mice also pose health risks, not just risks of property damage. They can carry harmful diseases like rabies and plague, which are transmittable to humans and pets. Plus, they often carry tiny parasites like ticks and fleas that also lead to disease transmission or other health concerns. The foul odors they cause and the dust and dander that they track in can lead to other health problems, especially for those with allergies or respiratory illnesses. It’s a lot better to stay on top of the things that attract mice and take steps to reduce their access points than it is to have to contend with the larger issues they can cause.

Factors That Attract Mice

Mice are so tied to human homes because we provide everything that mice need to survive. All of the following are things that attract mice to your home:

  • Food access: Not only can mice chew through food packaging to get stored items, but they can also survive on crumbs that might pile up in the corners of your home.
  • Trash storage: Mice will also chew through trash bags or crawl inside bins to access food waste.
  • Debris: Yard debris or excess clutter in storage areas provides mice with hiding spots and nesting areas.

Mouse Prevention For Your Home

Even if you address the factors that attract mice, they will still be driven to seek shelter indoors to avoid predators and precipitation. That means you also need to keep up on the steps that reduce access points for house mice:

  • Crack sealing: No hole or crack in the wall or foundation of your home should be treated as too small to address. Mice are good at burrowing and digging their way in.
  • Landscaping: Keeping grasses trimmed down and plants from encroaching on your exterior will reduce the areas that mice can use to hide out in the yard and look for access points.
  • Moisture control: Not only are mice attracted to moisture, but water damage can also weaken structural materials and make it easier for pests to gain access. Keep up on plumbing maintenance and address spills quickly.

Mice Control Takes Professional Help

Even homeowners who keep clean homes and well-maintained yards can find themselves with a mouse problem. These pests are practically bonded to human civilization, which is why pest professionals have always been around to provide true protection from mice and other invasive creatures. At Able Pest Management, we can help you stay on top of routine prevention and we’ll get started quickly on an inspection of your home. If mice are already a problem, we’ll eliminate them quickly and effectively, working with you to make sure rodents never invade again.

To get started on mice control, call Able Pest Management today.

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